#: locale=en ## Tour ### Description ### Title tour.name = PORTAS - 83 King Lam Street ## Media ### Title panorama_22754500_28E9_B5C7_41C2_FF2D8BA7D113.label = PORTAS - 83 King Lam Street ## Popup ### Body htmlText_5103DF23_5C41_3F1E_41D0_F4F4BD646622.html =
The images in this virtual tour were taken on 25 July 2022 at King Lam Street. The images have been edited and processed with computerized imaging techniques and due to technical limitation, may be distorted or not in scale. Due to the on-site condition, the images may not fully reflect the actual condition of the relevant properties upon completion. The view from the properties as shown in the images is not and does not reflect the view which may be enjoyed by any properties or other parts of the Development.
htmlText_58BD92E1_497F_B154_41BF_A618A4E2E560.html =
The images in this virtual tour were taken on 25 July 2022 at King Lam Street. The images have been edited and processed with computerized imaging techniques and due to technical limitation, may be distorted or not in scale. Due to the on-site condition, the images may not fully reflect the actual condition of the relevant properties upon completion. The view from the properties as shown in the images is not and does not reflect the view which may be enjoyed by any properties or other parts of the Development.
## Hotspot ### Tooltip FlatHotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_3DFDCF0F_2928_95D8_41B7_CF72252558B5.toolTip = Open website FlatHotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_49B814B4_5CC7_2179_41B9_599F5C607BEE.toolTip = Open Portas Website ## Action ### URL LinkBehaviour_36DFE5B9_39C1_B2A0_41BA_8B811C518DC5.source = https://888lckr.com/ LinkBehaviour_8209DC75_8FF2_4513_41D6_195C37E8429C.source = https://www.portas.hk/